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How to Administer CPR: A Step-by-Step Guide

First Aid Online News​

In life, emergencies can strike without warning. It’s in those critical moments that knowing the right steps and having the right training can make a significant difference. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or a passerby, understanding how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can save a life.

Welcome to First Aid Online’s definitive guide on how to properly administer CPR. For those seeking comprehensive first aid training online, don’t hesitate to explore our extensive courses, equipping you with the tools and knowledge to potentially save someone’s life.

What is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is a life-saving technique used in emergencies when someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped – this could be due to various reasons like drowning, heart attack, or electric shock. CPR combines chest compressions and rescue breaths to keep oxygen flowing to the brain until further measures can be taken to restore normal heart rhythm.

Step-by-Step Guide to Administer CPR

  1. Assess the Situation: Before jumping in, ensure your safety. Look around for potential hazards like traffic or electricity. If it’s safe to approach, check the person’s responsiveness by tapping them and shouting, “Are you okay?”.
  2. Call for Help: If they don’t respond, shout for someone to call emergency services (in Australia, dial 000) and locate an automated external defibrillator (AED) if available.
  3. Position the Person: Lay the person flat on their back on a hard surface. Tilt their head slightly to lift the chin. Check their airways for blockages and then check for normal breathing.
  4. Begin Chest Compressions: Place the heel of one hand on the centre of the person’s chest, with the other hand on top. Using your upper body weight, push down hard and fast – compressing at least 5-6 cm deep and at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.
  5. Rescue Breaths: After 30 compressions, give 2 rescue breaths. Pinch the person’s nose shut and cover their mouth with yours, making a seal. Blow in until the chest rises. Repeat once more.
  6. Continue the Cycle: Perform sets of 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths until an AED arrives, emergency responders take over, the person starts breathing or shows signs of life, or you are too exhausted to continue.

Why You Should Get Certified

While this guide provides an overview, hands-on training and practice are vital. Here’s why you should consider formal certification:

  1. Comprehensive Training: Our HLTAID011 Provide First Aid course covers a wide range of first aid techniques, ensuring you’re prepared for various emergencies.
  2. Specialised Courses: Whether you work in an educational setting or care for children, specialised courses like HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting and our Baby and Child Online First Aid Course offer tailored training for unique environments.
  3. Stay Updated: CPR guidelines can change. Our HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation course ensures you’re learning the most recent and effective techniques.

Ready to get started?

In summary, while CPR can seem daunting, with the right knowledge and training, anyone can step in during a crisis – invest in your skills and make a difference in someone’s most crucial moment. Enrol with First Aid Online today and empower yourself with the knowledge to save a life.

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